What have our students been finding in Trench 8 today?

We asked some of our students: “what is the most interesting thing they have found today?”

Sieving Team: Animal teeth and bones, probably sheep bones that come from context 8689 - which is the fill of a Saxon ditch.

Annabel: A big piece of bone and some other fragments, probably cow bone from the slot I'm digging through the Saxon ditch.

Annabel and other students working on excavating the remaining fills of NNW-SSE Saxon ditch

Omar: A small piece of glazed pottery and glass fragments from cleaning this trench edge section through Tudor layers.

Omar and Katrina cleaning the limit of excavation to show wall collapse and levelling layers relating to the construction of a The Crown Inn

Tudor Corner Team: A big piece of pottery and small sherd of pot dated by Chad as roughly to the 13/14th century and it seems it was used for cooking as the piece was burned. These are from context 8697, which is a Tudor layer that we think was below the pub building. Also from context 8707 we have cow bones and pieces of slag industrial waste.

Bella: I found some fragments of a very corroded copper alloy object in the terminal end of the Saxon ditch in context 8689.

Bella and David cleaning the NNW terminal end of our Saxon ditch

Alex: Pig teeth in the construction cut for revetment wall 8190.

Alex excavating a slot through the southern end of a construction cut for wall 8190

Lydia and Emma: a big piece of animal bone, but unfortunately as it is in the section, we cannot take it out until we draw it

Emma (Above) and Lydia (Below) excavating a slot through some of our many pink clay layers!

Tomorrow we will start drawing plans and sections for some of these areas have and our students will put their practical lessons to good use in the field!
