Dig Berkeley Week 1 - Trench 8 Roundup
Trench 8 from above in 2018 |
The first week of three back at
Berkeley was a busy and hot flurry of activity. After 15 seasons, this will be
our final year working here and our plan is to complete Trench 8 (started in
2009) which has a full extent of 15m x 50m but has now been partially
backfilled. It is the largest and most archaeologically dense of the 19
trenches we have excavated at Berkeley since 2005. This is a slice through the
full width of Nelme’s Paddock on a slope leading up to St Mary’s Church and
Berkeley Castle.
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Trench 8 looking east (upslope) after cleaning in 2019 |
So far, Trench 8 has taken us
back in time from Georgian kitchen gardens to the English Civil War, late
Medieval, the Norman Conquest and Anglo-Saxon periods with a smattering of
Roman finds, but no definite Roman features as yet….. Unfortunately, as all good
things come to an end, so does the University of Bristol’s Berkeley Castle
Project. Our project Directors are moving onto other things - Professor Mark
Horton is retiring from the University of Bristol (but of course, not from
archaeology!) and Dr Stuart Prior has plans to investigate a new site.
Before getting muddy, our 1st
year students were given a tour of Berkeley Castle and the town environs by Mark
and Stuart to help them put their trench work into a wider context. Our public
engagement team, headed up by 3rd year student Gabija Ulkyte and
overseen by Project Field Technician Kostas Trimmis, got set up and
brainstormed ideas for our forthcoming visits, events, blogs and social media
posts. We have a camera from the BBC Four TV programme ‘Digging for Britain’ to
document our Berkeley excavation work and could potentially end up featured on
a forthcoming programme. We also have a ‘friends and family’ visit from members
of our Anthropology and Archaeology Department at the University of Bristol, a local
school visit and an open evening in the final week. In addition, Kostas showed
students how to take orthophoto images and create 3D models of walls and other
stone features from the trench and taught geophysical survey in the Edward
Jenner Museum garden and the inner keep of Berkeley Castle.
Students excavating Tudor levelling layer in southwest corner |
Trench Supervisors, Dr Siân Thomas, Emily Glass and Dr
Adrian Chadwick are keeping our students busy and they spent the first couple
of days weeding and cleaning as well as refreshing the edge of excavation
sections. This gave our students the chance to get familiar with using a
variety of tools, particularly the very important trowel. The western end of
Trench 8 has a much denser concentration of archaeology and contains features
which range in date from Saxon to Tudor, due to various levelling and
re-levelling efforts for buildings and drainage works.
Straightening up trench sections to define features in the southwest corner |
In the southwest corner of Trench
8 we appear to have demolition or formation deposits that relate to a Tudor pub
which once stood beyond the limits of the trench. In the northwest corner of
Trench 8 we have a wall and robbed-out wall, both on an E-W alignment and a
stone-filled beamslot and circular stone feature. These could potentially be
related to the Norman layout of Berkeley town, but this will only be confirmed when
they are excavated next week.
Excavation of deposits within NNW-SSE ditch |
We also have a ditch running NNW-SSE,
which was subsequently re-cut when a wall [8400] was constructed along the same
alignment. Sections through this feature were dug and recorded last year and we
are now removing and sieving the remaining fills for artefact retrieval in the
hopes of securing solid dating evidence. Based on the stratigraphy of
surrounding deposits and features we think the ditch is Early/Mid Saxon and the
wall Late Saxon, although we would like to confirm this with pottery evidence.
Student Anna looking for finds during excavation of wall [8400] construction cut backfill |
The eastern end of the trench was
mostly completed down to natural or subsoil in 2017, we only have a few layers
of reddish sandy clay to investigate and a posthole to complete. As our trench
is on a slope, soils tend to get washed downhill in wet weather and ‘creep’ due
to gravity and could therefore be masking earlier archaeological features. To
confirm that we have reached the end of the archaeological deposits we have cut
two test-pits into these layers against the north and south trench sections. In
the hunt for natural geological layers, this is the only time when not finding
artefacts is a good thing!
Students excavating a slot through pink clay layers against northern trench section |
We did find plenty of artefacts
in the rest of the trench. During the general clean we found fragments of bone,
pottery, iron nails, shell and glass, and also a bowl fragment of a clay tobacco
pipe with a maker’s mark stamp on the heel representing Richard Berryman who
operated from Bristol from 1619 to 1650 (see earlier blog: https://bristoldigberkeley.blogspot.com/2019/05/interesting-discovery-branded-clay-pipe.html).
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Clay tobacco pipe with ‘RB’ stamp on heel found during trench clean up |
From the Tudor layers in the
southwest corner, we retrieved some thick pot base fragments with a partial
glaze remaining. From photographs, our pottery specialist, Paul Blinkhorn,
tentatively identified these as belonging to the base of a Brill/Boarstall ware
jug, most likely 13th-14th century by the glaze, which
fits nicely with our Tudor levelling deposits!
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Pottery base
fragments dating to 13-14th century from Tudor corner
Our most notable
discovery this week has been two bone discs, known as epiphyses, which are
believed to be from the tail of a young porpoise! In no way can we take credit
for working out what these were – they were identified from photographs by
Professor Jacqui Mulville and Dr Julia Best, both of Cardiff University and to
whom we are very grateful for their time. Both epiphyses were found in the
backfill of wall [8400] construction cut by two eagle-eyed students working on
the sieving team. There is more of this deposit to sieve, so we are on the
lookout for more! The whole question of porpoises at Berkeley is another matter
needing thought and perhaps a whole new blog!
Two tail bones from a young porpoise found in the backfill of wall [8400] construction cut |
Our first week back at Berkeley
has been a good success and all our students have worked hard in the heat and in
getting used to a type of exercise that they don’t normally do! We are looking
forward to getting back to it and will keep posting our progress and any significant
discoveries, reinterpretations or finds. Tomorrow, we plan to announce our week
3 open evening and hope to see some of you there. That’s all for now!
Emily Glass
vactuaYmiwa Travis Booth download